Great Egret Glow

by Brian Tada
Great Egret Glow
Brian Tada
Photograph - Digital Photograph
One of my most memorable moments in wildlife photography was seeing this great egret (Ardea alba) bathed in the sun's afternoon glow while it flew majestically over the calm waters of a nature preserve near San Francisco Bay.
Egrets were hunted almost to extinction for their feathers in the 19th century. Thanks to conservation efforts, these magnificent birds are plentiful once again, and can be seen in wetlands throughout North America and southern Europe.
The more I study nature, the more I realize how it truly is a reflection of a loving Creator demonstrated through the unparalleled beauty of intelligent design.
"Adonai, how countless are Your works! In wisdom You made them all --
the earth is full of Your creatures." (Psalm 104:24, Tree of Life Version -TLV)
Artwork notes::
This same great egret is also featured in my other photos, "The Chase", "Simple Elegance", "Great Egret Taking Flight" and the 13-image flight sequence panorama. These and additional photos are in my egret album. Please check back periodically as additional images are added from time to time.
This wildlife portrait would look absolutely stunning as a metal print or canvas print, two of several ordering options available above. It would make a dramatic statement and an inspiring image on a special wall in your home, office or business.
All artwork in my portfolio, including this image, comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee on the purchase price through Fine Art America / Pixels. World-wide shipping is available.
Thank you very much for your visit and support. God bless you, have a fabulous day and a terrific forever!
Giving glory to God this image won the following contest awards on Fine Art America::
1st Place in the “Sea Birds In The Sky Photography” contest, sponsored by the “Pelicans Sea Birds By the Sea Shore” group on Fine Art America. Thank-you to group administrator Julie Vrakas for hosting the contest and to all who voted. God bless you!
2nd Place in the "Shoot the Light" contest. Thank-you to Gloria Hopkins for hosting the contest and to all who voted. God bless you! Congratulations to the other winners, too!
2nd Place in the "Your Own Gallery Show" contest. Thank-you to Brooks Garten Hauschild for hosting the contest and to those who voted. God's blessings, and congratulations to the other winners, too!
3rd Place (tie) in the Wonder of Wings "One Adult Bird Flying Contest". Thank you to Siene Browne for hosting the contest and to all who voted. God bless you! And Congratulations to the other winners!
Grateful to God and thankful to the group hosts for graciously featuring this image on the home page of the Fine Art America groups::
* 1,000 VIEWS ON 1 IMAGE, 02.06.19
Special Features:
* Peer-Nomination by fellow artists for a Special Feature, 1,000 Views on 1 Image group, 02.08.19
* Birds in Flight "Photo of the Day" on the USA Photographers group home page, 09.25.22
Embedded in the top right-hand corner is the Hebrew acronym for "B'ezras Hashem" [ד " ס ב] meaning "with God's help". It is a reminder to me as an artist and photographer of my dependence on the Almighty, the Originator of all creativity. This is a similar acknowledgement used by great artists like Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel who signed their work with the Latin phrase, "Soli Deo gloria" which means, "Glory to God alone".
Scripture taken from the Holy Scriptures, Tree of Life Version. Copyright © 2011, 2012, 2013 by the Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society. Used by permission of the Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society. "TLV" and "Tree of Life Version" and "Tree of Life Holy Scriptures" are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark office by the Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society.
Photograph copyright © 2016 Brian Tada. To the glory of God. All rights reserved internationally. Duplication, photographing, downloading, distributing, publishing online or in print form, and/or altering this image in any way is prohibited without the express written permission of the photographer, Brian Tada.
June 18th, 2016
Comments (223)

Nancy Jacobson
Incredible lighting and capture! Photographing white birds is so difficult, but you do it very well, Brian! l/f

Jeanne Emmerson
Brian, Great Egret Glow is such a beautiful photograph. Your entire gallery is wonderful.

Jurgen Lorenzen
Revisiting this gorgeous Great Egret flight portrait, Brian, congratulations on your Photo Of The Day honors in the USA Photographers group!

Judy Vincent
Beautiful capture! Congratulations! This will be the “Birds in Flight” photo of the day on the USA Photographers group home page for 9/25/22!
Brian Tada replied:
Judy, thank you so much for the honor of a special feature in your awesome group on Fine Art America! Truly appreciate all you do as our group host extraordinaire. God bless you!

Hanne Lore Koehler
Spectacular sunlight and shadows in thia exquisite egret capture, Brian! Masterful artistic composition! Love the entire series! L/F
Brian Tada replied:
Hanne, thank you so much for your kind words, truly appreciated! So glad you enjoyed the egret images!

Brooks Garten Hauschild
Congratulations on your 2nd place win in 'Your Own Gallery Show' with your glowing egret, Brian! My pleasure to host the contest. Fvl.
Brian Tada replied:
Brooks, thank you so much for hosting the contest! Truly a pleasure to participate. God bless you!

Morris Finkelstein
Fabulous photograph, Brian! Congratulations on your Second Place in the Your Own Gallery Show contest! F/L/V

Sarah Irland
Congratulations, Brian, on your Win in the Your Own Gallery Contest for this wonderful photograph! Well deserved!

Gary F Richards
Spectacular animal composition, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! F/L voted for this piece in the contest YOUR BEST ANIMALS WORK

Gary F Richards
Congratulations on your Top Finish in the contest… ADULT BIRDS IN FREE FLIGHT ONLY! F/L

Gary F Richards
Outstanding BIF composition, lighting, shading, color and artwork! F/L …voted for this piece in the contest ADULT BIRDS IN FREE FLIGHT ONLY