Bunny Circus
by Brian Tada
Bunny Circus
Brian Tada
Photograph - Digital Photograph Composite
04.08.22: THANK YOU to the precious customer from Simi Valley, California who purchased a 1,000-piece Puzzle Set of my artwork, “Bunny Circus”. May this bring you and your loved ones many hours of enjoyment. God bless you!
“Bunny Circus” Wildlife photography by Brian Tada.
It was such a joy to see these adorable wee bunnies hopping, chasing, running and resting on a spectacular, sunny day in February 2019 at the Merced National Wildlife Refuge in central California.
A refuge staff member informed me that these wildlife residents are displaying their happiness after many days of dreary, rainy weather.
Usually, when a rabbit jumps in the air, it is called a "binky" and according to what I have read from various sources, it is an indication the rabbit is happy. Binkies may incorporate twists and turns while airborne, creating an amusing and impressive acrobatic spectacle.
I traveled hundreds of miles to this wildlife refuge to see the iconic lesser sandhill cranes. This location is the main wintering place along the Pacific Flyway for tens of thousands of these majestic birds which fly in from Alaska and Canada to spend the winter here. (1)
However, when I arrived, not a single crane was to be seen in the fields during my entire visit.
Instead, the Lord God Creator of the universe provided something that was totally unexpected and wonderful to witness ~ several desert cottontail rabbits just being themselves in a vibrant field of clover.
This artwork is a composite of 12 photos I took at the refuge after a half-hour wait. The action you see in this image occurred within a time frame of less than 54 seconds. Wildlife photography is a great way to develop patience ~ and to be ready for the “suddenlies” God sends to those who prepare and wait.
The desert cottontail, also known as Audubon’s rabbit (Sylvilagus audubonii) is found throughout the western United States, from California and Nevada eastward to the Great Plains and southward into northern Mexico.
Interesting facts: The hind feet of the desert cottontail average three inches long. When this rabbit takes short hops, its tracks resemble the number “7”. The two hind feet are planted first, with the two front feet set behind. (2)
“For with You I rush on a troop, with my God I can leap over a wall.”
~ 2 Samuel 22:30
Grateful to God and thankful to the group administrators for kindly featuring this image on the homepage(s) of the Fine Art America group(s) ::
* 10 PLUS, 12.09.21
* NEW FAA UPLOADS, 12.18.21
* ART ~ IT IS GOOD FOR YOU, 04.11.22
* 1,000 VIEWS ON 1 IMAGE, 09.09.22
Artwork notes:
(1) Facts about the lesser sandhill cranes are sourced from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, accessed 11.27.2021.
(2) The “interesting facts” about the desert cottontail rabbits are sourced from the Nevada Department of Wildlife website, accessed 11.27.2021.
Embedded in the top right-hand corner is the Hebrew acronym for "B'ezras Hashem" [ב ס " ד ] meaning "with God's help". It is a reminder to me as an artist and photographer of my dependence on the Almighty, the Originator of all creativity. This is a similar acknowledgement used by great artists like Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel who signed their work with the Latin phrase, "Soli Deo gloria" which means, "Glory to God alone".
Scripture is taken from the Holy Scriptures, Tree of Life Version. Copyright © 2011, 2012, 2013 by the Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society. Used by permission of the Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society. "TLV" and "Tree of Life Version" and "Tree of Life Holy Scriptures" are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark office by the Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society.
Photo copyright © 2019, 2021 Brian Tada. To the glory of God. All rights reserved. Duplicating, downloading, copying, photographing, making derivative artworks, altering and or distribution is prohibited without the express written permission of the artist. Licensing of this specific image is available for personal, business and ministry use. Please kindly inquire. Thank you very much for your interest and cooperation. “The worker is worthy of his wage.” 1 Timothy 5:18
December 1st, 2021
Comments (100)
Kay Brewer
A favorite! Voted your entry in the Cyber Holiday contest, sponsored by the 1000 Views On One Image group.
Mary Deal
What you've created here is quite funny. I love bunnies but if I had that many in my yard, I'd have a problem. This image is definitely a study in bunny activities. Would make a wonderful mural in a child's room.
Nicklas Gustafsson
I love this awesome picture of yours! :) I'm nominating this for a Special Feature in the 1000 Views group!
Brian Tada replied:
Thank you so much for the honor of your nomination, Nicklas! Greatly appreciated.
Christopher James
One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 views Groups Special Features Nominations For Promotion #22 . Please help your fellow artists by visiting and passing on the love to another artist in the the 1000 Views Group....L/F/Tw
Brian Tada replied:
Thank you very much, Christopher, and it would be my joy to pay it forward! Greatly appreciate all you do as our group host extraordinaire. God bless you!
Toni Hopper
What a fun image! Fantastic captures and the story behind it is wonderful. Nominating this artwork for a special feature in the 1000 Views Group!
Diana Mary Sharpton
Nominating this fabulous digital artwork for special feature on the 1000 view group....
Brian Tada replied:
Thank you very much for the honor of your nomination, Diana! Greatly appreciated.
Christopher James
Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group ..... Feel free to place your featured image in the Features Archive and any Genre specific Archive l/f/p
Brian Tada replied:
Thank you so much, Christopher, for the honor of a feature in your stellar group on Fine Art America! Truly appreciate all you do as our group host extraordinaire. God bless you abundantly!
Geraldine Scull
Revisiting to nominate in the 1000 Views Group for a Special Feautre ! L/T
Brian Tada replied:
Geraldine, thank you very much for the honor of your nomination, greatly appreciated!
Spectrum Art Studio
This vision of all the rabbits jumping make my heart sing - such a joyous image !!! L / F
Cindy Treger
Brian, simply amazing shot. This would be a really hard puzzle, congrats on your sale. f/l