Armored Jewel

by Brian Tada
Armored Jewel
Brian Tada
Photograph - Digital Photograph
Vibrant iridescent feathers appear as colorful armored plates in this in-flight close-up of a male Anna's hummingbird (Calypte anna) making an early Spring visit in the San Francisco Bay Area, March 2016.
This species of hummingbird doesn't migrate very much and are permanent, year-around residents along the Pacific Coast of North America. They are more vocal than other hummers with a song described as a metallic, buzzy trill.
Anna's hummingbird is the only hummer in North America with the male displaying reddish-pink feathers on both the throat and head when the sunlight refracts off of them at just the right angle. Female Anna's hummers have a green crown and exhibit some vibrant colors in their gorget throat feathers, as seen in the other hummingbird images in my gallery.
The iridescence of hummingbirds is considered by researchers to be among the most vibrant among birds. The head and gorget feathers displaying hues of red and magenta in this photo appear velvety black at other times, depending on the light and angle of the bird to the viewer.
The red hues seen in this photo remind me of the profound spiritual and historic significance of when my Savior and Messiah, Yeshua Jesus the Son of God shed His precious blood on the Cross at Calvary for the remission of my sins. His glorious Resurrection on the first Easter morning from the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem, Israel (where I have visited) gives hope to all humanity of New Life which will last for eternity for those like myself who have received the most precious gift of His love and salvation by inviting Jesus into our hearts.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16, Tree of Life Version (TLV)
Giving glory to God for "Armored Jewel" which won the following contest awards on Fine Art America::
1st Place in the "New Logo for 500 Views Group" Contest sponsored by the 500 Views Group on 02.27.2023. Special thank-you to Mariola Bitner who hosted the contest and to those who voted. God bless you!
1st Place in the "Bright Colors Adult Insects and Adult Birds" Contest sponsored by the Wonder of Wings Group on 12.08.2022. Many thanks to Siene Browne who hosted the contest and to all who voted. God bless you! And Congratulations to the other winners!
1st Place in the "N is for Near" contest on Fine Art America, 04.11.2021. Thank you to ABC Group Administrator Pamela Luther for hosting the contest and to all who voted. God bless you! Congratulations to the other winners!
2nd Place in the "Close Up of Birds" contest, 01.31.21. Thank-you to Ritu Puppala for hosing the contest and to all who voted for this image. God bless you! And Congratulations to the other winners!
2nd Place in the "Nature Is Spectacular" contest, sponsored by the Grand Greeting Cards group, 03.26.17. Thank-you to group administrator Karen Wiles for hosting the event and to those who voted. God bless you! Congratulations to the other winners!
4th Place in the "Hummingbirds" contest, 05.05.22. Thank-you to Brooks Garten Hauschild for hosting the contest and to all who voted. God bless you! Congratulations to the other winners!
Grateful to God and thankful to the group hosts that this image has been featured on the home pages of these Fine Art America groups::
* THE 200 CLUB, 01.16.17
* 1,000 VIEWS ON 1 IMAGE, 08.22.17
* 500 VIEWS SHARE GROUP, 08.22.17
* ABC GROUP, "N is for Near" Theme, 04.19.21
* 3,000 to 3,999 VIEWS, 05.01.21
* OVER 5,000 VIEWS, 03.24.23
Special Recognition:
Giving glory to God that "Armored Jewel" was selected as a Group Admin’s Pick from the Go Take a Hike Photography Group’s Wildlife Portraits photo contest. Thank you to group host Larry Kniskern for this honor. God bless you!
Scripture taken from the Holy Scriptures, Tree of Life Version. Copyright © 2011, 2012, 2013 by the Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society. Used by permission of the Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society. "TLV" and "Tree of Life Version" and "Tree of Life Holy Scriptures" are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark office by the Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society.
Embedded in the top right-hand corner is the Hebrew acronym for "B'ezras Hashem" [ב ס " ד] meaning "with God's help". It is a reminder to me as an artist and photographer of my dependence on the Almighty, the Originator of all creativity. This is a similar acknowledgement used by great artists like Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel who signed their work with the Latin phrase, "Soli Deo gloria" which means, "To God alone be the glory".
Photograph copyright © 2016 Brian Tada. To the glory of God. All rights reserved internationally. Duplication, photographing, downloading, distributing, publishing online or in print form, and/or altering this image in any way is prohibited.
As this is part of my livelihood, your purchase of an item available for order on this page would be greatly appreciated to support my continuing work in fine art nature photography. Thank you very much. God bless you.
Additional hummingbird artwork is available at www.PropheticPortraits.net
November 28th, 2016
Comments (459)

Reid Callaway
The beauty God created here is hard to describe! Thank you for catching this moment in time for us to see. I love your work and the Jesus I see in you... You wear His clothes well, my friend! Carry On!........8/1/2024

Sarah Irland
Congratulations, Brian, on your Win in the Anything Birds Contest for this wonderful photograph! L/F

Robyn King
Congratulations your amazing artwork is being featured in Over 5000 Views:-) Please take a moment to add your beautiful art to our archives in the message area and have a wonderful day!
Brian Tada replied:
Robyn, thank you very much for the honor of a feature in your stellar group on Fine Art America! Truly appreciate your caring leadership, valuable time and dedication hosting your marvelous group. God bless you!

Sarah Irland
Congratulations, Brian, on your Win in the New Logo for 500 Views Contest for this wonderful photograph! Amazing work! L/F
Brian Tada replied:
Thank you, Sarah! Truly honored to participate in the contest with so many talented artists.