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Armored Jewel Photograph by Brian Tada

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Comments (459)

Nadia Asfar

Nadia Asfar 8 Days Ago

Really beautiful!

Lingfai Leung

Lingfai Leung 27 Days Ago

Beautiful capture

Atalay Karacaorenli

Atalay Karacaorenli

wonderful artwork!

Nicklas Gustafsson

Nicklas Gustafsson

Such an amazing and beautiful picture Brian! Excellent!

Reid Callaway

Reid Callaway

The beauty God created here is hard to describe! Thank you for catching this moment in time for us to see. I love your work and the Jesus I see in you... You wear His clothes well, my friend! Carry On!........8/1/2024

Morris Finkelstein

Morris Finkelstein

Revisiting this stunning Hummingbird close up photograph, Brian! F/L

John Hughes

John Hughes

Great capture.

Jennifer Jenson

Jennifer Jenson

Gorgeous image, Brian! Voted in contest!

Lynn Hopwood

Lynn Hopwood

Beautiful close up!

Alinna Lee

Alinna Lee

Amazing detail Brian! 👍

Rachel Morrison

Rachel Morrison

Truly magnificent close-up shot of this stunning bird! LF/Vote

Cindy Treger

Cindy Treger

Brian, love this amazing shot. I also voted for this little guy. f/l

Miss Pet Sitter

Miss Pet Sitter

Just Perfect! Love/f

Barbie Corbett-Newmin

Barbie Corbett-Newmin

Revisiting this amazing and lovely jewel!

Sarah Irland

Sarah Irland

Congratulations, Brian, on your Win in the Anything Birds Contest for this wonderful photograph! L/F

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you very much, Sarah!

Hazel Holland

Hazel Holland

Brian, voted for this beauty in the SHARE 5 contest! L/F/V

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you very much, Hazel!

Dylyce Clarke

Dylyce Clarke

Very nice capture, Brian. I voted for this in the BIRDS - PHOTOGRAPHY contest. F

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you very much for your support, Dylyce!

Bernadette Krupa

Bernadette Krupa

Beautiful! V/F/L

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you kindly, Bernadette!

Robyn King

Robyn King

Congratulations your amazing artwork is being featured in Over 5000 Views:-) Please take a moment to add your beautiful art to our archives in the message area and have a wonderful day!

Brian Tada replied:

Robyn, thank you very much for the honor of a feature in your stellar group on Fine Art America! Truly appreciate your caring leadership, valuable time and dedication hosting your marvelous group. God bless you!

Cindy Treger

Cindy Treger

Brain, LOVE this amazing shot - voted. f/l

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you kindly, Cindy! Greatly appreciate your support.

Shoal Hollingsworth

Shoal Hollingsworth

WOW, this is magnificent work, I love the colors and details here

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you, Shoal... Hummingbirds are one of my fave subjects to photograph!

Dennis Baswell

Dennis Baswell

wow painted by God incredible hummer Brian

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you, Dennis... Truly, God is the Master Artist!

Rachel Morrison

Rachel Morrison

Congratulations on your 1st Place win the New Logo for 500 Views Contest! Voted

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you, Rachel! To GOD be the glory! Greatly appreciate your support.

Michelle Meenawong

Michelle Meenawong

so very beautiful Brian fav

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you, Michelle! Truly appreciate your fave and support.

Sarah Irland

Sarah Irland

Congratulations, Brian, on your Win in the New Logo for 500 Views Contest for this wonderful photograph! Amazing work! L/F

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you, Sarah! Truly honored to participate in the contest with so many talented artists.

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Armored Jewel by Brian Tada
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