The Empty Tomb

by Brian Tada
The Empty Tomb
Brian Tada
Photograph - Digital Photograph
JERUSALEM, ISRAEL :: This is a close-up of what many believe is the chamber where Messiah Yeshua Jesus was buried and gloriously resurrected. The actual place is secondary to the fact that His powerful resurrection that First Easter Morning has been recorded in no less than four places in the Bible:: Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, and John 20.
When I made my pilgrimage to the Holy Land, one of the highlights of my life was stepping into this very chamber and experiencing first hand the incredible love and power of the Risen Lord Himself. As I stood right next to the floor of His empty grave, I was healed physically and emotionally though His powerful love that I can only describe as an atomic explosion. It was truly an experience I will never forget.
Walking in the literal footsteps of my Master, Savior and Messiah in the Land of the Bible is an incredible encounter which makes the Scriptures come to life. Things I read about in the Bible literally come alive in living color.
Visiting Israel served to strengthen my faith and brought me even closer to the One Who gave His all so that I could live with the peaceful assurance of having my eternal destiny secure.
If you would like to experience that same incredible love that cannot adequately be described in earthly terms, I invite you to say out loud from your heart these life-changing words which I also have said many years ago::
If this is the first time you said these words and meant it from your heart, I want to personally congratulate you and welcome you to the Family of God! I encourage you to read The Bible, God's Love Letter to you, daily as spiritual nourishment (start with the Book of John), pray to God daily like talking to your best friend, find a good Bible-teaching church, and share with others the Good News of your most important decision in life to follow Christ. Place your trust in Yeshua Jesus.... He will NEVER let you down! And please let me know via e-mail about this most important decision you have made, so that I may celebrate with you!
God bless you, have a super day, and a terrific forever!
"And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay." Matthew 28:5-6, KJV
For more information about the Garden Tomb location in Jerusalem, Israel, please visit:
08.25.16:: A heart-felt THANK YOU to the buyer from Bakersfield, CA for purchasing a greeting card of this image! I pray this artwork will be a tremendous blessing. I speak God's abundant blessings over you. Thank you again for your patronage!
Grateful to God and a heart-felt "thank you" to the administrators for featuring this image on the home pages of the following Fine Art America groups:
* ABC GROUP - OPEN WEEK, 07.11.15
* 500 VIEWS - 1 IMAGE A DAY, 04.15.17
* 500 TO 1000 PHOTO, 04.16.17
* ALL ART WELCOME, 06.13.17
* OVER 5,000 VIEWS, 03.14.23
The empty tomb photo image was photographed by Brian Tada. Inset photo (of the sign at the entrance to the empty tomb) taken by Mother Cheryl Tada. Both images copyright © 2009 Tada family. All rights reserved. To the glory of God.
July 5th, 2015
Comments (147)

Robyn King
Congratulations your amazing artwork is being featured in Over 5000 Views:-) Please take a moment to add your beautiful art to our archives in the message area and have a wonderful day!
Brian Tada replied:
Robyn, many heartfelt thanks for kindly featuring "The EMPTY Tomb" on the homepage of your awesome group on Fine Art America! Conveying my deep appreciation on behalf of many artists for your wonderful leadership and dedication hosting your art groups. God bless you abundantly!

Carol Senske
F/L. This is a wonderful reminder that Jesus has risen.
Brian Tada replied:
Thank you so much, Carol. Indeed, the Lord Jesus has risen and is coming again soon. Blessings!

Rainbow Artist Orlando L
What a magnificent and amazing capture of this empty tomb of Jesus, Brian!! the visuals and energy is so overwhelming it really make the viewers feel humble and grateful. excellent image!! L/F
Brian Tada replied:
Thank you very much for your kind words on this image, Kevin! Truly, Jesus is ALIVE!

Donna Mibus
Oh how I would love to see this in person as you did, Brian! My dream is to visit the Holy land and walk where Jesus did. Lord willing I can some day! Wonderful photo! Blessed Easter to you!
Brian Tada replied:
Donna, visiting Israel is THE trip of a lifetime! Do go when you get the chance. Thank you for your kind word on this image! Blessings!

Michael Mazaika
....for He will rise for us all. Simple, but grand, reminder not only this weekend but every day. Well done, Brian. - Mike (V/F)
Brian Tada replied:
Indeed, our loving Savior died and rose again for all humanity! Thank you for your comment, Michael!

Dr Debra Stewart's Gallery
Heartfelt image that gives pause to the viewer to reflect on their faith. Perfect!

Marty Morales
Outstanding empty tomb capture, and composition Brian, Love it! l/f Happy Easter!
Brian Tada replied:
Thank you so much, Marty! A most blessed Resurrection Season as we honor the Risen Christ Jesus!

Jennifer Jenson
Revisiting this masterpiece. Beautiful work! Happy Easter, Brian!
Brian Tada replied:
Many thanks for your kind words, Jennifer! Happy Blessed Resurrection Season in Jesus!

Gaby Ethington
Blessings to you, Brian, this is wonderful and your background story and invitation are inspiring. He is risen, indeed and I am so grateful the my Jesus in my King as well.
Brian Tada replied:
Thank you so much, Gaby, for your kind and thoughtful comments, truly appreciated! Yes, He is risen, indeed! Hallelujah!

Rick Davis
I am nominating this for a Special Feature in the Camera Art Group because it shows the Real Meaning Of Easter!
Brian Tada replied:
Rick, thank you so much for your kind words and the honor of your nomination of this image, means a lot to me! Blessings!