Blessed Is The Nation Whose God Is The LORD

by Brian Tada
Blessed Is The Nation Whose God Is The LORD
Brian Tada
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Digital Art
11.16.2020 :: THANK YOU to the precious customer from Moravian Falls, NC who purchased a box of 10 greeting cards of “Blessed Is The Nation Whose God Is The LORD”. May you and the card recipients enjoy this image for many years to come. Thank you for your support! God bless you!
06.24.2020:: THANK YOU to the precious customer from Arizona who purchased 4 greeting cards of "Blessed Is The Nation Whose God Is the LORD". May you and your card recipients enjoy this artwork for many years to come with the Joy of the Lord. God bless you!
U.S. Flags fly in a strong wind along an overpass on Highway 99 in the Central Valley of California on Presidents’ Day 2019.
This patriotic display was put on by the California Valley Patriots, an educational outreach and humanitarian relief organization.
I merged this image with my photo of the U.S. Navy Blue Angels over San Francisco Bay during Fleet Week, 2018.
This multi-media digital art is the loving result of 36+ hours invested in travel time, photography work, post-field production, 25 editing layers in PhotoShop ~ and most of all, prayer. The original file is over 1 GB. Truly, a labor of love.
The beloved Scripture passage is from Psalm 33:12a: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD.”
It is a beautiful reminder that God blesses the nations who honor and respect the One True and Living God, and honor Him by obeying His precepts set forth in the Holy Bible.
The precious word “LORD” is in both blue and gold. In Judaism, blue represents the sky, divinity and the majestic throne of God.
Gold reminds us of God’s glory and the streets of gold in Heaven where believers who have received Yeshua Jesus into their hearts will be able to see when this earthly life is complete. In the precious Name of God,
“LORD”, the “or” is highlighted in gold. “Or” is a heraldic color representing nobility, which God represents in the highest degree of majesty.
I merged the Star of David with the Cross which reminds us of America’s Judeo-Christian heritage.
This is a marriage of the two emblems that were featured prominently at both my Dad’s and then my Mom’s memorial services. It reflects their deep love for God, for Israel ~ the Land where their and my Savior and Messiah, as well as the Jewish writers of the Bible are from ~ and symbolizes their faith in Yeshua Jesus.
Many of the foundational principles of governance in America are found in the Jewish Torah, from which comprise the first five books of the Christian Old Testament.
For example, in the Torah (see Exodus 18:1-27), we read that Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, taught him to delegate responsibilities to trusted individuals ~ those who had a reverential fear of God, who loved truth and hated unjust gain ~ to be appointed servant leaders of thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. We see this very form of representational government in constitutional republics, one of the most notable being America.
Indeed, God’s Word, the Bible, is replete with powerful leadership guidelines that when enacted with standards of excellence, will bring about peace and benefits throughout the land that are incalculable.
Because the American Flag figures prominently in this art piece, I wanted to dedicate part of this image to Flag Day.
Flag Day commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777, by resolution of the Second Continental Congress, which is the Flag Act of 1777:: "Resolved, That the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation."
In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation making June 14th officially as Flag Day. In 1949, an Act of Congress established National Flag Day.
The patriotic colors of the U.S. Flag hold great significance. According to the American Legion veterans service organization, custom and tradition tell us that red signifies hardiness and valor; white represents purity and innocence; and blue signifies vigilance, perseverance and justice.
Thank you for visiting my gallery! This inspirational art piece with Scripture is available as a print (framed or unframed) and greeting cards. Please see the ordering options on this page. 30-day money-back guarantee on the purchase price. Worldwide shipping available. Thank you for your patronage and support. Please help spread the word to your friends, which would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much. God bless you!
Brian Tada
06.24.20:: A heart-felt THANK YOU to the precious one from Arizona who purchased 4 greeting cards of "Blessed Is The Nation Whose God Is the LORD". May you and your card recipients enjoy this artwork for many years to come with the Joy of the Lord. God bless you!
Giving glory to God that this image received the following contest award(s) on Fine Art America ::
3rd Place in the "Aviation-art-avaganza Contest" (and top finish in the digital art category), 07.01.20. Thank you to Gert J Rheeders of New York, New York who hosted and adjudicated the contest. And Congratulations to the other winners! God bless you!
Giving honor to GOD and grateful to the group administrators for graciously featuring this artwork on the home pages of the Fine Art America art groups ::
* 10 PLUS, 06.21.20
* THE WORLD WE SEE, 06.23.20
* WORD FOR THE WORLD, 06.24.20
* ALL FINE ARTWORK, 06.24.20
* THE TOP 50 FEATURES, 06.25.20
* SYMBOLISM, 06.28.20
* YOUR STORY OF ART, 06.28.20
* TEXT ART, 07.02.20
* IN GOD WE TRUST, 07.03.20
* PRAISING GOD, 07.03.20
Artwork notes:
Embedded in the top right-hand corner is the Hebrew acronym for "B'ezras Hashem”[ב ס " ד] meaning "with God's help". It is a reminder to me as an artist and photographer of my dependence on the Almighty, the Originator of all creativity. This is a similar acknowledgement used by great artists like Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel who signed their work with the Latin phrase, "Soli Deo gloria" which means, "Glory to God alone".
Artwork, photo composite and description copyright © 2020 Brian Tada. To the glory of God. All rights reserved. Downloading, distributing, displaying online and/or altering this image without the express written permission of the photographer/artist is prohibited. Licensing of this image is available; please inquire for details.
June 20th, 2020
Comments (198)

Gary F Richards
Outstanding Blessed Is The Nation Whose God Is The Lord composition, lighting, shading, color and artwork! F/L voted

Gary F Richards
Spectacular unique patriotic digital composition, lighting, shading, beautiful colors and artwork! F/L voted