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Blessed Is The Nation Whose God Is The LORD Photograph by Brian Tada

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Comments (198)

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Outstanding Blessed Is The Nation Whose God Is The Lord composition, lighting, shading, color and artwork! F/L voted

Donna Brown

Donna Brown

Awesome and standing for Israel 🇮🇱. Fav

Beverly Guilliams

Beverly Guilliams

Massive blessings over this beautiful work!

NL Galbraith

NL Galbraith

Great message Brian!

Marilyn DeBlock

Marilyn DeBlock

Beautiful work!

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Spectacular unique patriotic digital composition, lighting, shading, beautiful colors and artwork! F/L voted

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you very much, Gary!

Jerry Fornarotto

Jerry Fornarotto

Very nice, LF!

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you, Jerry!

Adrienne Wilson

Adrienne Wilson

What a beautifully moving creation. And the Psalm you share is perfect. Wonderful!!

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you kindly, Adrienne!

Beverly Guilliams

Beverly Guilliams

Blessings over Your Art in 2022...........Fantastic Art Piece.......v./f.

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you for your kind words, Beverly! Blessings!

Ben Prepelka

Ben Prepelka

Such a wonderful creation! Hats off to you!

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you very much, Ben! It was great joy doing this artwork.

Kathryn Jones

Kathryn Jones

A wonderful piece of patriotic artwork, Brian! Congratulations on your sale!

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you very much, Kathryn! Greatly appreciated.

Rick Davis

Rick Davis

Beautifully Presented Brian And I Enjoyed Reading The Psalm Verse! L/F

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you for your kind words on the image and Bible verse, Rick!

Michael Mazaika

Michael Mazaika

Would that we’d all remember more often. Well done, Brian. - Mike (V)

Brian Tada replied:

Amen! Thank you for your kind words, Michael!

Charlotte Gray

Charlotte Gray

Beautiful work!! l/f

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you, Charlotte!

Beverly Guilliams

Beverly Guilliams

Massive Blessings over Your Work

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you, Beverly, God bless you!

Debby Pueschel

Debby Pueschel

Brian, I am thrilled for you and your sale!

Brian Tada replied:

Thanks so much, Debby!

College Mascot Designs

College Mascot Designs

nicely done

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you, College Mascot Designs!

Tony Baca

Tony Baca

Congrats on your recent sale!

Brian Tada replied:

Many thanks, Tony!

Alida M Haslett

Alida M Haslett

Truly beautiful, Brian! god bless YOU! LFT

Brian Tada replied:

Greatly appreciated, Alida! God bless you, too!

Toni Abdnour

Toni Abdnour

Congratulations on your sale!

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you very much, Toni!

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Congratulations on your sale!

Brian Tada replied:

Kay, thank you very much!

Az Jackson

Az Jackson

Well deserved sale. Congratulations.

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you very much, Az!

Nikolyn McDonald

Nikolyn McDonald

Congratulations on the sale, Brian.

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you very much, Nikolyn!

Carol McGrath

Carol McGrath

Brian, congratulations on your wonderful sale!

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you very much, Carol!

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Blessed Is The Nation Whose God Is The LORD by Brian Tada
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