Shabbat Day of Rest Jerusalem Israel

by Brian Tada
Shabbat Day of Rest Jerusalem Israel
Brian Tada
Photograph - Digital Photograph
When I visited Israel in November 2009, I loved exploring the picturesque streets in Jerusalem's Old City district.
Here is a peaceful scene in the Jewish Quarter during Shabbat, their day of rest. Normally, this passageway would be bustling with activity.
I took this photo on the way to pray at the Western Wall.
Throughout my pilgrimage in Israel, I felt safer than anywhere else I've lived or visited in the world. God's peace indeed permeates this special Land.
"Our feet are standing in your gates, Jerusalem --
Jerusalem, built as a city joined together.
There the tribes go up,
the tribes of ADONAI --
as a testimony to Israel --
to praise the Name of ADONAI.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem --
'May those who love you be at peace!
May there be shalom within your walls --
quietness within your palaces.'"
~ Psalm 122:2-4,6-7, Tree of Life Bible (TLV)
11.29.18:: THANK YOU to the precious customer from Lodi, California, who purchased a Tote Bag with this image. May you enjoy you purchase for many years to come. GOD BLESS YOU!
Grateful to God and thankful to the group hosts that this image has been featured on the home pages of the Fine Art America groups:
* TRAVEL ART, 05.27.17
* NO PLACE LIKE HOME, 11.21.21
Scripture taken from the Holy Scriptures, Tree of Life Version. Copyright © 2011, 2012, 2013 by the Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society. Used by permission of the Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society. "TLV" and "Tree of Life Version" and "Tree of Life Holy Scriptures" are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark office by the Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society.
Photo copyright © Brian Tada. All rights reserved. To the glory of God.
June 24th, 2015
Comments (106)

Kathryn Jones
Beautiful! I love the colors and textures here! Many, many problems that people experience would disappear, if only the obeyed the Lord's commandment to keep His Sabbath Day holy.

Cindy Treger
Brain, beautiful shot with a wonderful description - it must have been amazing. f/l
Brian Tada replied:
Cindy, thank you so much ~ visiting Israel, especially Jerusalem, was truly an experience of a lifetime!

Morris Finkelstein
Revisiting this stunning streetscape photograph taken in the Old City of Jerusalem! Congratulations on being selected as Artist of the Week in the 1000 Views group. I admire your beautiful artwork, your elaborate and articulate photo descriptions, and how you are able to tie your photographs to beautiful biblical passages, many of which are read and studied by Jews, Christians, and Muslims. With your art, you often find a common link connecting us together, and praying for a peaceful world. Shalom!
Brian Tada replied:
Morris, thank you very much for your very kind words on my artwork and my love for Israel. Truly appreciate your support. Thank you again! Massive blessings and Shalom!

Gary F Richards
Spectacular composition, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! F/L Congratulations on your features!

Jenny Revitz Soper
BRAVO! Your artwork has earned a FEATURE on the homepage of the FAA Artist Group No Place Like Home, 11/21/2021! You may also post it in the Group's Features discussion thread and any other thread that fits! l/f
Brian Tada replied:
Jenny, thank you so much for the honor of a homepage feature in your amazing group! Much appreciation for all you do as host extraordinaire. God bless you!

Bukunolami Ola
Lovely perspective & lighting in this symbolic capture...It clearly illustrates their dedication to and respect for their faith & its demands...Wow, not even a single person in sight...Unbelievable ! Fantastic work, Brian.
Brian Tada replied:
Thank you very much, Bukunolami... Visiting Israel was truly the trip of a lifetime! On Shabbat, even the traffic on the streets is almost non-existent. They truly honor God's principles for rest and work. Blessings over your week.