American Flag Fruit Kabobs

by Brian Tada
American Flag Fruit Kabobs
Brian Tada
Photograph - Digital Photo Of Mixed Media
FOOD AS ART :: This U.S. Flag is made from organic home-grown blueberries, organic bananas (dipped in lemon juice to slow down oxidation) and organic strawberries. It was tedious but fun to construct -- and almost too beautiful to eat. I love "playing" with food. It's culinary art with a passion and purpose. :-)
I got the idea from articles and photos online on how to arrange fruit kabobs into the U.S. Flag. Originally, I did this purely for fun before I decided to go for it and share this image with you, my precious visitors to my portfolio at Fine Art America.
As I think of America, I am grateful to God for the freedoms that we still have in this exceptional Country. And I say this without reservation.
Indeed, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD." (Psalm 33:12a, NKJV)
Grateful to God and very thankful to the administrators for graciously featuring this image on the home pages of the Fine Art America groups::
* THE 200 CLUB, 05.29.16
* THIS WAY ARTS, 06.26.16
* ARTIST NEWS, 06.27.16
* 10 PLUS, 06.29.16
* THIS WAY ARTS, 07.04.16
* 500 VIEWS SHARE GROUP, 07.18.16
* 500 VIEWS - 1 IMAGE A DAY, 07.19.16
* ART - IT IS GOOD FOR YOU, 03.04.17
* 1,000 VIEWS ON 1 IMAGE, 06.30.19
Special recognition:
* Peer nominated for a Special Feature in the Camera Art Group.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Photo copyright © 2014 Brian Tada. All rights reserved. To the glory of God. Downloading, duplication, distribution and/or altering of this image without the express written permission of the artist/photographer is prohibited.
March 1st, 2015
Comments (134)

Ben Prepelka
I always have to stop and admire your artwork of the red, white and blue! Great idea, and happy you decided to share it with us! Fav!

Luther Fine Art
Congratulations! Your camera art has been nominated as a Special Feature by a fellow artist Camera Art member for your superb art in Camera Art Group!! You are invited to post your art in the "Special Feature Archive Discussion" in the Camera Art group. Please share the love by nominating a fellow artist whose work is in Camera Art You can do that in the specific "Artist Special Feature Nomination" discussion in the Camera Art Group.
Brian Tada replied:
Pamela, thank you so much, it is truly an honor, and it would be my pleasure to pay it forwatrd! A sincere thank you to the nominating artist, and to you for your outstanding leadership as our group host extraordinaire! God bless you!

Anita Pollak
Love this gorgeous and creative flag kabob, Brian! And so wonderful that you used organic fruit! Nominating for a Special Feature in Camera Art! l/f

Diana Mary Sharpton
Nominating this fantastic American Flag fruit Kabobs capture for special feature on the camera art group... twitter-ap

Kathy M Krause
Awesome American flag kabob, Brian! I love it and you're right! It does look to beautiful to eat! LF

Hanne Lore Koehler
Fantastic capture and American flag presentation of this beautiful fruit kebob display, Brian! L/F

Anne Gifford
Thank you for sharing this wildly creative appetizer plate with everyone, Brian. How fun! Like/f

Gary F Richards
Outstanding capture, lighting, shading, color and artwork! F/L …voted for this piece in the Fruit Contest.

Kathryn Jones
Beautiful and creative! So many people nowadays just gobble down their food without giving thanks to God for what they are about to receive. When I was at school we always said grace both before and after lunch. Not this entitled generation which takes everything for granted, unfortunately! I love your Scripture too! Sadly so many people are abusing this God given freedom to cause mayhem. I know that Satan cannot win the war between good and evil, but that does not mean that he cannot win battles along the way. However, he will not triumph. In the end truth and righteousness will prevail. Now, if I could just adapt this to the Union Jack....