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Southern California Sunset with Scripture Photograph by Brian Tada

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Comments (20)

Debby Pueschel

Debby Pueschel 5 Days Ago

Congratulations on your Honorable Mention in Praising God. FL

Liz Knight

Liz Knight 11 Days Ago


Atalay Karacaorenli

Atalay Karacaorenli

Simply great capture

Hazel Holland

Hazel Holland

Marvelous sunset capture and composition with perfectly paired Scripture, Brian! L/F

Rick Davis

Rick Davis

Good Morning Brian.....This is such a beautiful sunset as we Praise God for another day!!!!!!!!! Personal Favorite!

Paolo Signorini

Paolo Signorini

Beautiful work!

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you very much, Paolo!

Jennifer Jenson

Jennifer Jenson

Beautiful work, Brian! The perfect scripture for this glorious sunset you have captured. Such gorgeous colors and light!

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you very much, Jennifer!

Diamante Lavendar

Diamante Lavendar

Congratulations! Your beautiful, artistic work has been chosen as a special feature in Praising God! You can archive your work to the special features discussion tab in the group! It is an honor to have you as a member!

Brian Tada replied:

Diamante, thank you kindly for the honor of your selection of this image as one of the Special Features in your wonderful Praising God artwork group on Fine Art America! Truly appreciate all you do as our outstanding and caring host. God bless you abundantly!

Michael Mazaika

Michael Mazaika

Wonderf image and pairing with Scripture, Brian. He will keep showing you these great things. - Mike (V/F)

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you very much, Michael! I believe that in Jesus' Name! Blessings.

Paolo Signorini

Paolo Signorini

Beautiful image

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you very much, Paolo!

Jurgen Lorenzen

Jurgen Lorenzen

Wonderful sunset composition and a beautiful design, Brian!

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you kindly, Jurgen!

Rachel Morrison

Rachel Morrison

So elegantly presented and wonderful word. I love the gradient of gold used in the text matching the colors of the sunset.

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you very much for your kind words, Rachel!

Sandi OReilly

Sandi OReilly

Love this, Brian, gorgeous image!Amen! F/L

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you very much, Sandi!

Mick Anderson

Mick Anderson

Without God's Blessings, a lot of us photographers wouldn't have any inspiration, would we?? ;) f/l

Brian Tada replied:

So true, Mick! Blessings to you.

Vicki Zimmerly Carson

Vicki Zimmerly Carson

I love this, Brian! It is a great capture of an incredible sunset! Perfect Scripture for this image, and perfect placement of it! May God continually bless you for your faithfulness to spread the Gospel!

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you so much for your kind words, Vicki!

Kume Bryant

Kume Bryant

Very beautiful, Brian! l f

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you very much, Kume!

David and Carol Kelly

David and Carol Kelly

Perfect verse to go with this fantastic scene! f/l

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you very much, David and Carol!

Ray Whitt

Ray Whitt

Excellent shot Brian!

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you very much, Ray!

Donna Mibus

Donna Mibus

Our God is amazing! Happy you were able to get a photo of this.

Brian Tada replied:

So true, Donna! God paints magnificent sunsets and sunrises!

Robert Bales

Robert Bales

Such a great and beautiful sunset to go with the verse, Brian!! LFTw

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you very much, Robert!

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Southern California Sunset with Scripture by Brian Tada
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