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Miltoniopsis Orchids Photograph by Brian Tada

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Comments (86)

Mark Chinn

Mark Chinn

So beautiful. Voted

Ann Pride

Ann Pride

Rich, beautiful work Brian

Rachel Morrison

Rachel Morrison

Absolutely radiant and beautiful work! A power punch and an amazing work!

Aberjhani's Official Postered Chromatic Poetics

Aberjhani's Official Postered Chromatic Poetics

A portrait of beauty at peace with itself. Gorgeous inspiring photography.

Donna Kennedy

Donna Kennedy

Very beautiful floral image Brian!...F/L

Robert Nacke

Robert Nacke

I love this, Brian, such beautiful Orchids. L/F/P

Georgia Mizuleva

Georgia Mizuleva


Christiane Schulze Art And Photography

Christiane Schulze Art And Photography

Fabulous orchid image Brian, love these beautiful flowers F/L

Linda Goodman

Linda Goodman


Paolo Signorini

Paolo Signorini

Just beautiful

Lisa Wooten

Lisa Wooten

Beautiful. L/F/P

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you, Lisa!

Maria Heidi Trujillo

Maria Heidi Trujillo


Brian Tada replied:

Thank you, Maria!

Kathy M Krause

Kathy M Krause

Excellent composition of these gorgeous orchids, Brian! Love the colors and details! LF

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you very much for your kind words, Kathy!

Michael May

Michael May

Simply gorgeous, thanks for the background information.

Brian Tada replied:

You're very welcome, Michael!

Linda Bianic

Linda Bianic

This is so striking!!

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you, Linda!

Jennifer Jenson

Jennifer Jenson

Such gorgeous Orchids and you have captured them masterfully! Beautiful work! L/F

Brian Tada replied:

Many thanks for your kind comments, Jennifer!

Sharon W

Sharon W

Wow! Stunning beauties and fantastic capture! Here we never see orchids growing outdoors because of the climate. How beautiful it must be to see in person! Love this!

Brian Tada replied:

Sharon, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and kind words!

Claudia O'Brien

Claudia O'Brien

Wonderfully colorful and joyful! Great choice for a Valentine's card. I even see upside down hearts in the lower parts of the flowers! F and voted in Valentine's contest, Brian.

Brian Tada replied:

Claudia, thank you very much for your kind words and support, truly appreciated!



Love the bold and deep colors. L

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you very much, Carole!

Marian Bell

Marian Bell

What gorgeous flowers! Beautiful colors and composition, Brian! LF

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you, Marian! God truly creates magnificent beauty in nature!

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

What a lucious rich color, Brian! And you clarity and detail are perfect! l/f/t

Brian Tada replied:

Greatly appreciated, Kay!

Renu S

Renu S

Very well composed...these lush orchids are calling out to the viewer to pause and look at them and see so much life and beauty in their symmetry and patterns. So pretty Brian:)

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you very much, Renu!

Charlotte Gray

Charlotte Gray

Well Done Brian! l/f

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you, Charlotte!

Andrew Wilson

Andrew Wilson

So beautiful!

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you, Andrew!

Dominique Amendola

Dominique Amendola

Superb capture!

Brian Tada replied:

Thank you, Dominique!

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Miltoniopsis Orchids by Brian Tada
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